COMMUNITY RESOURCES HAVASU AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCEB2B ServicesIndustry ResourcesMixers & Promotion CHAMBER OF COMMERCE LAKE HAVASU CITYMunicipal ServicesBusiness Licenses Code Enforcement LAKE HAVASU CITY GO LAKE HAVASUTourism BureauEvent CalendarThings to Do/ Attractions GO LAKE HAVASU PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTSite SelectionIncentivesDevelopment Services PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGEHigher EducationCorporate TrainingInternships/Workforce MOHAVE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LAKE HAVASU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #1EducationInternshipsWorkforce Training LHUSD #1 MOHAVE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTRegional DevelopmentGovernmental AffairsCounty-Wide Licensing MOHAVE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BETTER BUSINESS BUREAUPacific Southwest RegionMarketplace AssistanceAccreditationBusiness Accountability BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU